Alternanthera Ficoidea, Gold

3.00 AED

Max Height: 0.20-0.30m Spread: Indefinite

Origin: Mexico, South America Family: Amaranthaceae

Common Name: Joseph’s Coat Flower Colour: White

Drought Tolerance: Medium Salinity Tolerance: Medium

Sun Tolerance: High Wind Tolerance: High

Water Requirement: Medium PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: High Disease Tolerance: High

Growth Rate: Fast Fragrance: No

Alternanthera ficoidea ‘Gold’ is mat-forming to erect perenial with elliptic to obovate, pointed, mid-green leaves, 2.5cm long, which are marked with combinations of red, orange, purple, and yellow. Insignificant white flowers are produced in spherical to ovoid, axillary spikes, 3-10mm long. Height 20-30cm, Spread indefinite. Native to Mexico, South America. var. amoena syn. A. amoena, is dwarf, with lance-shaped to elliptic, mid-green leaves, heavily mottled and veined brown-red, orange, and purple.

Alternanthera ficoidea, Alternanthera tenella, Brazilian Snow Flower, Brazilian Snowflower, Gold


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